January 22, 2003

Bush For Mars Space Voyage?

BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Nasa to go nuclear

Well, I would be terribly impressed if George Bush was intending to put this into effect - a proposal to use nuclear power to enable a space voyage to the Red Planet in the foreseeable future! Possible $ 1 billion over 5 years. Maybe on a short time schedule with a roundtrip taking on the order of 4 to 6 months! Far fewer than the years it would take using conventional (current) rocket power.

Posted by answerguru at January 22, 2003 11:59 PM

I believe this is a response to the fact that the earth's supply of oil is almost depleted and thus, the possibility of water being on mars millions of years ago could also mean that some form of life also may have existed...thus, perhaps there are fossils underground like our fossils which has been converted to what we use as fuel. So, of course it is the plan to have it mined, so the movie Total Recall about colonizing Mars was not just science fiction...and thus, prisoners will be used to mine the red planet...the majority of those going to prison now are black males...who's bone structures are more tolerable to space travel. This is the new frontier...and as usual...the Americans will need slaves to help excavate it..and if there are any red indians underground already there...they'll be removed as they were on earth. This is my view. This is not just some lame idea the president has...be forwarned...like in StarTrek...writer Del jones was correct in saying...space imperialism is next.

Posted by: Mark Wilson on January 13, 2004 09:01 PM
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